917-561-2567 info@brandbase.com


Search - Overview

BrandBASE allows searches by Company, Contact or Brand. Click on Search in the menu bar to get started.

The pull-down menu has three options – Brand, Company or Contact. Whatever you choose will open the appropriate search page.

Company Search

If you know exactly which company you want, start with Company Search. Enter the company name in the company field and click “Search.” “Find All” will generate a list of all the companies in BrandBASE.

Going to Chicago and want to find the Tier 1 companies? Enter “Chicago” in the “City” field and select “Tier 1” in the Company Size field. Heading out to the western suburbs and want to know who’s there? Click “Reset,” select Tier 1 again and enter “847” in the Phone field.

We’ve also included the parent company when applicable. Curious about the various companies owned by Pepsi? Enter “Pepsi” in the parent field for this information.

We use the official corporate name. Entering “P&G” or “Coke” will not work! Entering “Kimberly Clark” won’t work either. This company has a hyphen (Kimberly-Clark).

Tip: When running a search, just enter a few characters (e.g. enter “proct” for Procter & Gamble).


Contact Search

Contact Search allows you to find executives by title, broad department break out, region and more.

Use Contact Search to find contacts at a particular company, by title or department (e.g. Marketing) or geographic location (e.g. region or state), or company size (e.g. Tier 1).

“Find All” generates a list of all the contacts in BrandBASE.

Brand assignments are indicated when this information is available. In the Contact Search Results screen, a “shopping cart” icon on the right indicates if a contact has a brand assignment; click on the contact name to view the details in the Contact Detail screen.

Tip: Searches can be saved by creating a new bookmark in your browser.



Brand Search

Brands in BrandBASE are assigned to broad classes, groups of categories and specific categories. 

Beer/Malt Products/Hard Cider – Includes the major brewers plus leading microbreweries
Food & Beverage – Cereal, candy, juices, snacks, soft drinks, etc.
Health & Beauty Care (HBC) – OTC medications, skin care, oral care, hair care
Household – Batteries, cleaning products, detergents, soap, etc.
Pet – Dog and cat food, flea collars, cat litter (food/drug channels)
Pharmaceutical/DTC – The top DTC (Direct-to-Consumer) advertised brands
Tobacco – Cigarettes, loose tobacco, cigars, e-cigarettes
Wine & Liquor – Includes major distillers and vintners, and importers of key brands
Cannabis/CBD – THC and CBD (cannabidiol) brands

Searching by brand can be executed by class, category or group. Need to know the top brands in the Food & Beverage class? Choose this class and the 1st Tier check-off box.

Brands are assigned to their appropriate “Category,” (e.g. PANTENE Shampoo). Want to find out who owns what brand? Enter the brand name in the brand field. Got to get a list of all the players in a particular category? Choose from the selection of categories.

We’ve assigned categories into broader “Groups.” For example the Shampoo, Conditioner and Hair Styling, Repair Products categories are assigned to the “Hair Care” group. This allows for broader searches.

The Company Detail screen contains all of the brands marketed by this company along with the associated class, group and category. In the Contact Search Results screen, a “shopping cart” icon indicates if a contact has a brand assignment; click on the contact name to see the details in the Contact Detail screen.

Company Size

BrandBASE breaks out the Consumer Packaged Goods industry into three tiers:

Tier 1: >US$1B
Tier 2: US$100MM to US$1B
Tier 3: <US$100MM

Download Contacts

Downloads are limited to blocks of up to 250 records and capped at 6,000 per account for the duration of the subscription period.

Step 1
Run a Contact search. In the Contact Search Results screen, use the check-off box to mark the desired record for downloading.  Click the “Mark All” icon on the top of the list to select all the records on the page to be marked.

Step 2
Click the “Add To Download” icon to prepare your records for downloading.

 If your search result yields multiple pages, you must click the “Add To Download” icon before proceeding to the next page.

Click the “Next” icon to go to the subsequent page. Continue marking records individually or use the “Mark All” icon. Once again, click the “Add To Download” to add your records to the download queue.

Step 3
To download the contacts, click the “Download” button located in the top navigation area. The file is saved in a comma-separated value (csv) format which can be opened in Excel, Google Sheets or other spreadsheet apps or imported directly into an email service provider.

Tip: Excel drops the “leading zero” in the zip code field. Here’s a fix.


Download History

View either your or your team’s download history.

Go to Contact Search – the selection is in the middle of screen. Choose either Download History (Current User) or Download History (All Users).

In the Contact List view, an icon on the right side indicates if that contact was previously downloaded.

Parent Company

BrandBASE indicates the parent company and its location. In the Company Search page click the Parent Report button on the bottom of the page

One-off Email

Send an email one at time from the Contact Detail screen. Just click on the link to send an email.

Traditional Direct Mail

All downloads contain the complete mailing address.

Any mailing over 2,000 contacts must be executed by a bonded letter shop. We can help you create a customized mailing list based on parameters that make sense for your marketing effort.

Canada's Anti-Spam Legislation

Canada’s anti-spam legislation (CASL) came into effect July 1, 2014. Read more about CASL here.